
Mortgages Ireland

So, you’re looking to buy a property and in order to do so, you need to secure a mortgage in Ireland. Well you’ve taken the right step by coming to JC Mortgages, expert mortgages brokers based in Dublin, servicing Ireland.

We work independently and collaborate with the banks to ensure you receive the best possible mortgage deal. Providing you with specialist mortgage advice on Irish interest rates and working with you to understand the types of mortgages available in Ireland to find the best mortgage suitable to you.

Contact JC Mortgages to discuss your needs and let us go to work to secure your mortgage and dream home.

Types of Mortgages available in Ireland:

First Time Buyer Mortgages:

If you’re a first-time buyer, you may have questions about lending criteria, borrowing limits, deposit requirements, interest rate options and document requirements to start. More on First Time Buyers Mortgages and FAQs.

Refinancing / Remortgaging a property:

Switching one mortgage for another, you may be interested in lending criteria, better interest rate, more flexibility, consolidating debt and reducing your loan-to-value to get a better rate to name a few.

Second Time Buyer Mortgages – Home Movers:

Planning on selling your current property and upgrading to buy a new one, we recognize the unique requirements and timelines of home movers and can support you to make this as seamless a journey as possible.

Mortgage interest rates Ireland:

Here at JC Mortgages we monitor mortgage interest rates via the European Central Bank ECB and how changes impact Irish property interest rates. What does this mean for you?. We can offer advice on the current best bank interest rates to suit your mortgage.

There is never any right answer about which rate you should choose whether variable or fixed. With fixed interest rates you have peace of mind but are stuck in a rate, if it starts coming down. With variable rates lots of flexibility and ability to pay as much as you choose at any time, and if rates in general are coming down then being on a variable rate- it works
in your favour. The disadvantage around this is if rates start to go up your mortgage repayment will also go up.

Without the benefit of a crystal ball, it’s not possible to know for sure but at JC Mortgages we will tease out all the options with you so you can make the best-informed decision considering your own risk preferences.

General tips and advice to secure a mortgage Ireland

How to improve your chances of mortgage approval

Planning in advance of going looking for a mortgage. We offer a free mortgage roadmap to help with this process. What you may need to do to get the home you are looking for.

Common pitfalls to avoid

  • Really important to be able to show the bank you can meet the repayment of any proposed mortgage.
  • Real consistent savings per month need to be shown. Not one account going up and another one going down.
  • Making sure rent is not paid by cash or if it is the same amount comes out of the bank account every month.
  • If paying rent to a family member make sure the family member’s name is not on the bank account. Unfair but banks won’t consider rent to family as repayment capacity.
  • No gambling. Very obvious banks don’t like to see this.
  • If have family outside Ireland don’t send money from your bank account back home
  • Do a credit check if you are worried about any loans or if have loans in a foreign country run local credit report v.

Benefits of consulting a mortgage broker

  1. Access to a choice of lenders
  2. Managing the process until the day you get the keys
  3. Being able to switch banks if a better deal comes available
  4. Having access to someone who helps get you ready for an application so that none of the little things trip you up
  5. Someone to help in discussing rates

JC Mortgages, mortgage brokers based in Dublin, servicing Ireland offering:

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